CBD Oil Effects

CBD is believed to reduce pain perception in certain types of pain, such as neuropathic pain. Compared to other pain management methods, patients have experienced success with the use of CBD without experiencing harmful side effects such as the addictive effects of opiates or liver damage with the use of paracetamol.

CBD helps with cardiovascular health

A study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharamacology mentions that preliminary studies have shown that “CBD has a direct effect on constricted blood vessels, by causing acute and temporary vasodilation. A common theme in these studies is the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant works of CBD.” They continue these findings by stating that CBD even plays a role in blood health where the drug helps form white blood cells, aggregate platelets and even helps balance blood sugar levels.

CBD for a good day and night rhythm

A study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information shows that laboratory animals experienced less daytime sleepiness after taking CBD. CBD seems to keep the user alert during the day even after sleep deprivation.

CBD reduces anxiety and stress

Cannabinoids have been used for centuries to reduce stress and induce relaxation. The American Psychological Association mentions that :chronic stress is linked to the six liver cirrhosis and suicide.” Another study in the NCBI shows that CBD shows a response with the endocannabinoid receptors 5HT1A and TROV1 (not just the CB1/CB2 reactor as with other cannabinoids) . These receptors are involved in regulating pain, anxiety and fear responses due to stress. CBD has recently been shown to help patients with post-traumatic stress disorder for the same reasons!

CBD for healthy skin

CBD has been shown to reduce the production of lipids in skin cells, reducing excess oil production. For those who suffer from skin conditions such as acne, using CBD can be a way to keep or get the condition of the skin in good condition. At the same time, CBD can increase the production of sebum, preventing dry skin. CBD is also an antioxidant and makes skin cells less likely to be damaged. Study, in which mice were bred without CBD receptors shows that the mice showed faster aging and loss of elasticity of the skin.

The effect of CBD oil: Myth or reality

More and more people are wondering about CBD oil. Does it get you stoned, do you really get rid of your pain and what about that neighbor who sat at home for years and now suddenly is “shopping” in town again. Are the stories now fabrications or reality. Learn more information on cbd oil uk by clicking on this link.

CBD is a body’s own substance

CBD is the shortened name for Cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is one of the cannabinoids that our body produces itself. But what is such a Cannabinoid? It is a substance that binds to a receptor (receiver). This receptor, simply put, is a protein that is part of a cell. The connection to the Cannabinoid then initiates a certain process. Which process depends on the receptor it connects to.

Cannabinoids together with the corresponding receptors are found everywhere in the body for example in the brain, in organs and glands and in immune cells. In all these places it carries out specific processes/tasks aimed at keeping the body in balance. The production of Cannabinoids by our body, the endogenous cannabinoid system, is according to many scientists perhaps the most important system in our body with regard to building and maintaining our health. When, for whatever reason, something happens that causes the body to go out of balance, this endocannabinoid system springs into action.

Studies on the use of CBD show impressive results. For example, Cannabidiol is said to halt or even prevent the growth of cancer cells. In addition, there has been a reduction in anxiety and pain. Reports even report a positive effect in the treatment of Psoriasis, diabetes, epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease.

Carolina E. Gordon

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